Monday 24 September 2012

Week Six: It’s the little things!

Hey, welcome to Week Six of the Atom Split Games Blog, thanks for stopping by! :)  If you haven't read any of our previous Blogs then you can find them all here. You can also find us on FacebookTwitterFour Square & Flickr.

There's a tiny bit of good news in the Atom Split office this week! We've finally managed to get our whiteboards mounted on the wall. It really can be the little things that make a lot of the difference! The white boards are essential in helping us to map out every aspect our projects. This is what we have so far...

Here are some pictures from the whiteboard for your enjoyment. (Please note, enjoyment is not guaranteed)
We were
We were excited about the whiteboards!! Don't you judge us! :P
Now that the Whiteboards initiation process is over we will be stuffing those boards full of code, plans, maps, secrets, a lot of squiggles and probably a farting bum...
We're in the Tipperary Star Newspaper this week! You can read the article here. We're very pleased with it! :D We will be in the actual newspaper in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for that!!

We have also made a decision on our New Art Intern....Oooooh who is it? Is it you? Did you apply? Nail biting stuff :P All will be revealed in the next Blog! :)  Plus the launch of our website is almost here, you can check it out here and count down the seconds until it's unveiled! Tell everyone about it!! Family, friends, pets and followers! That’s about it for now, thanks for stopping by! Until the next Blog.

The Atom Split Games Team.

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