Tuesday 11 September 2012

Week Five: Atomic War!!!

Hey, welcome to the 5th week of the Atom Split Games Blog, if you haven't read our previous blogs you can read them all here. Don't forget to Like and Share us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and wherever else you see us!

The new office is treating us well so far, everyone is just about settling in, there has been no tea spillages, broken chairs or unwarranted balls of wet paper hurtling through the air towards anyones face, so that's a plus. Outside of the office though, it has been a completely different story. It's been all out war....well, an Airsoft war. Last Friday we went to the National Karting Centre in Limerick.

We were told that some of us would not survive and even if we did survive, we would eventually turn on each other for more of those little plastic BB, pellet things.
The following images are real and have not been photoshopped or altered.....
The Atom Split Team, during our Airsoft War on Friday. It was painfully fun.
We actually really did go to Limerick to do Airsoft but unfortunately, our photographer was gunned down in an ambush, he suffered severe pelleting to his camera button pressing finger and was unable to capture the Atom Split Airsoft War of 2012. In the picture below you can see some of the marks that the Airsoft Pellets left.
They look a lot worse than what they are!
Martell would make a great hand model if he didn't have so many Airsoft scars! :P
When the cracking of the bullets stopped and the smoke settled there was a winning team! We're not going to brag, but let's just say that the Red Team happened to not beat the Blue Team. Maybe next time.
Outside the National Kart Centre on Friday. We have all aged so well...
Remember we’re still on the look out for Digital Art Interns, we've had a great response so far, so thanks to everyone that has applied. In the meantime, if you know have any Artist friends that are interested in joining us then send them our way! Plus it's getting close now to the launch of our website.....tell everyone about it!!  That’s about it for now, thanks for stopping by! Until the next Blog.
The Atom Split Team.

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