Monday 24 September 2012

Week Six: It’s the little things!

Hey, welcome to Week Six of the Atom Split Games Blog, thanks for stopping by! :)  If you haven't read any of our previous Blogs then you can find them all here. You can also find us on FacebookTwitterFour Square & Flickr.

There's a tiny bit of good news in the Atom Split office this week! We've finally managed to get our whiteboards mounted on the wall. It really can be the little things that make a lot of the difference! The white boards are essential in helping us to map out every aspect our projects. This is what we have so far...

Here are some pictures from the whiteboard for your enjoyment. (Please note, enjoyment is not guaranteed)
We were
We were excited about the whiteboards!! Don't you judge us! :P
Now that the Whiteboards initiation process is over we will be stuffing those boards full of code, plans, maps, secrets, a lot of squiggles and probably a farting bum...
We're in the Tipperary Star Newspaper this week! You can read the article here. We're very pleased with it! :D We will be in the actual newspaper in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for that!!

We have also made a decision on our New Art Intern....Oooooh who is it? Is it you? Did you apply? Nail biting stuff :P All will be revealed in the next Blog! :)  Plus the launch of our website is almost here, you can check it out here and count down the seconds until it's unveiled! Tell everyone about it!! Family, friends, pets and followers! That’s about it for now, thanks for stopping by! Until the next Blog.

The Atom Split Games Team.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Atom Split Games Airsoft Teams

The Non-Winning Team along with the Non-Losing Team.

Week Five: Atomic War!!!

Hey, welcome to the 5th week of the Atom Split Games Blog, if you haven't read our previous blogs you can read them all here. Don't forget to Like and Share us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and wherever else you see us!

The new office is treating us well so far, everyone is just about settling in, there has been no tea spillages, broken chairs or unwarranted balls of wet paper hurtling through the air towards anyones face, so that's a plus. Outside of the office though, it has been a completely different story. It's been all out war....well, an Airsoft war. Last Friday we went to the National Karting Centre in Limerick.

We were told that some of us would not survive and even if we did survive, we would eventually turn on each other for more of those little plastic BB, pellet things.
The following images are real and have not been photoshopped or altered.....
The Atom Split Team, during our Airsoft War on Friday. It was painfully fun.
We actually really did go to Limerick to do Airsoft but unfortunately, our photographer was gunned down in an ambush, he suffered severe pelleting to his camera button pressing finger and was unable to capture the Atom Split Airsoft War of 2012. In the picture below you can see some of the marks that the Airsoft Pellets left.
They look a lot worse than what they are!
Martell would make a great hand model if he didn't have so many Airsoft scars! :P
When the cracking of the bullets stopped and the smoke settled there was a winning team! We're not going to brag, but let's just say that the Red Team happened to not beat the Blue Team. Maybe next time.
Outside the National Kart Centre on Friday. We have all aged so well...
Remember we’re still on the look out for Digital Art Interns, we've had a great response so far, so thanks to everyone that has applied. In the meantime, if you know have any Artist friends that are interested in joining us then send them our way! Plus it's getting close now to the launch of our website.....tell everyone about it!!  That’s about it for now, thanks for stopping by! Until the next Blog.
The Atom Split Team.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Week Four: The New Office

Hey, Welcome to Week 4 of The Atom Split Games Blog. Thanks for stopping by! If you're a new fan then you can follow our older blogs here.
We have some great news this week, we've moved into our new office in the Enterprise Centre. We're settling in alright, we have been moving furniture, hooking up our computers and trying to hide all those horrible cables! Here are some pics.
Thaar she blows!!!
The newly built Enterprise Centre in Thurles, our base of operations and currently the main Headquarters of Atom Split Games!
All settled in....Now we just need to hang those white boards!
It looks a bit plain, we know!! Give us some time to do some decorating, it will be nice. Well, nicer at least!  We need to hang those whiteboards and find a convenient place for the new Diamond Chandelier! :P

In last weeks blog we talked about the New Office and we also boasted that it has a kettle and some windows....well here's the proof!!!
James worships Simba (the kettle) and lets some air into the Atom Split HQ.                                                  Never underestimate the power of a kettle or a giant window!
Since we're in the new office, It will take us a few days to properly get back into the swing of things, once we stop worshipping kettles and opening and closing windows for the sake of it.

We're still on the look out for Digital Art Interns, so if you know any great artists that are interested in joining us then tell them about us! Remember, our website is being fully launched in two weeks time so tell everyone about it!!  We're going to release some early concept art and maybe some initial character sketches (I said MAYBE) after the website is launched so stay tuned for that, we promise it will be worth it!!!! :)

If you haven't already Liked and Followed us on Facebook and Twitter then please do by clicking at the top of the page or here for Facebook and here for Twitter.
That's about it for now, thanks for reading! Until the next Blog.
The Atom Split Team