Monday 20 August 2012

Week Two: A slight make-over!

Hey, welcome to Week Two of the Atom Split Games Blog. Thanks for stopping by,  If you’re a first time visitor, you can check out our previous blog here.
A lot has happened since our last blog, you may have noticed our new Logo. After a few weeks of sleepless nights, with blood sweat and tears (from the graphic designer) we finally made a decision, by throwing darts at a hat full of suggestions. Luckily, Leo, one of our programmers, remembered to take the hat off first.
We also have a new landing page for our website. It’s counting down the seconds until we launch our full, Atom Split Games Website, so we’re very excited about it. You can check it out here 
When the site is launched we will be unveiling a sneak peak at some of the concept art for our latest project. So if you don’t want to miss out on that, head over to the site and sign up for our newsletter, keep up to date with all the breaking news from us and progress on our current projects. 
We would also like to thank Davis Printers in Limerick for doing an awesome job on our logo and for all the sleep and tears they lost in the process. You can find their website here and here’s their Facebook page. That’s about it for now. Thanks for reading. Until next time.  
The Atom Split Team.

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