Wednesday 29 August 2012

Week Three: Slowly but Surely!

Hey, welcome to Week Three of the Atom Split Games Blog. If you haven’t read any of our other blogs you can find them here. We have been busy in the Atom Split Headquarters this week, we have been programming, preparing Art and scratching our collective heads, but we’re getting through it!
We are planning on moving soon, into a brand new shiny office, in the next week or there about. We’re packing up all our belongings and making the trek to the Enterprise Centre…across the road. It has a kettle and windows so we’re very grateful. It’s in our reach! :D
Almost There…
As you can see from the picture below, James is over the moon about the move to the new office. You should see him on a bad day!
James is clearly very excited…
In other news, the Atom Split Games Website is only three weeks from its full launch. Unfortunately Martell thought he had a lot more time than that….
The cold slap of realization!!!
We would love to tell ye more about our current project, we’re itching to spill the beans, we really are but we can’t say anything just yet. Here are some Free Atoms for being so understanding  .. .. . (Not actual size) :P
That’s about it for this week, thanks for reading! Until the next Blog.
The Atom Split Team.

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